The story takes place in the year 2011, where a radical leader has executed the president of an unnamed country in the Middle East, and an ultranationalist movement ignites a civil war in Russia. The conflicts are seen from the perspectives of a U.S. Marine Force Recon sergeant and a British SAS operator and are set in various locales, such as the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Ukraine. The multiplayer portion of the game features various game modes and contains a leveling system that allows the player to unlock additional weapons, weapon attachments, and camouflage schemes as they advance.
How to download this game?
To download this game you need UTORRENT or Bit torrent on your PC. First install utorrent or bit torrent into your pc and then follow the next procedure
1.Download the game with utorrent
2.After downloading open folder and open Setup
3.Install it with Direct X and additional softwares
4.After installing an icon will be seen in your start as "Call of duty 4 modern warfare 1
5.Open it
6.Play and enjoy
Features of the game:
- High stunnig Graphics
- Awesome Shooting
- Very Difficult Levels
- Good sound track
System Requirements:
- Required OS :- windows XP, vista , 7,8 and windows 10
- Compactable for:- 32bit and 64bit
- Clock Speed :- Min 2.40ghz Max 3.0ghz
- RAM:- 2gb(min)/4gb
- File type:- Torrent
- File size:- 3.5gb
Sorry guys for not making a video on this game
I mean I will make a video and upload it to YOUTUBE channel on how to download and install the game and show you the gameplay
Sorry for your inconvenience...…..